Nathan Chambers is a child of the covenant. He was born into a godly home, where from childhood, he
was taught the Holy Scriptures which makes us wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. When
Nathan was two, his dad was called to pastor a church on South Whidbey Island. There, Nathan met his
wife Kelsey.
In 2004, the Chambers were married. While Kelsey started working as a nurse, Nathan studied philosophy
at university. During that time, Nathan was increasingly drawn to Old Testament studies. This path led
Nathan to earn an MCS in Old Testament from Regent College and a PhD in Biblical Studies from
Durham University. During his doctoral program, Nathan increasingly felt the call to minister in a local
church in the Pacific Northwest.
In 2019, Pastor Chambers was called to Wiser Lake Chapel as Pastor Bert Hitchcock, who had pastored
there since 1992, prepared to retire. Though the church is denominationally unaffiliated, Pastor Chambers
is a minister of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), working outside the bounds of his presbytery.
Pastor Chambers follows Pastor Hitchcock in his passion for the exposition of the Scriptures. In
preaching and Bible teaching, Pastor Chambers works to help God’s people understand His Word as they
work through the Bible together, verse by verse and book by book. His conviction is that a pastor’s
primary calling is to proclaim, ‘Thus says the Lord!’ The Word of God, when faithfully proclaimed in the
power of God’s Spirit, brings people to faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, nurtures them toward Christian
maturity, and equips them for service.
Pastor Nathan and Kelsey, once high school sweethearts, have been married for 15 years. They have four
children—Elizabeth, Ethan, Evangeline, and Ezra—who they are bringing up to love Jesus and delight in
his Word.